How To Get Tutoring Clients Without Being Salesy

How to get tutoring clients without being salesy

Get tutoring clients without feeling salesy!

As teachers, we went to school to study education, not marketing.  As a tutoring business owner, you may have found yourself in the awkward position of “How do I get tutoring clients without being salesy?!”  Or maybe you’ve asked “How do I promote an online tutoring business?” If that sounds about right, then keep on reading! 

You know things need to change because your tutoring business hasn’t grown like you’d hoped it would.  You’re tired of trying to figure out how to talk about your business.

I get it.  No one likes a creepy salesperson.  The good news is, you don’t have to be salesy.  Once you master the fine art of talking about your tutoring business organically, you’ll have tutoring client requests rolling in and have to implement a waitlist.

get comfortable promoting your online tutoring business

Start talking about your online tutoring business to everyone.

If you’re not talking about your tutoring business, no one else will

I tell my students inside Tutorpreneur Academy® this simple phrase all the time: If you’re not talking about your tutoring business, no one else will.  This empowers the tutors in my course to not only talk about their business, but to realize it’s a great way to get more clients without spending a dime on marketing.  If you haven’t had your first client yet, or you’re looking to grow, posting about the problems you solve on social media is the first step to getting clients and growing your tutoring business.  Avoid saying things like “BOOK SERVICES WITH ME NOW!” and instead use a gently tactic like “How tutoring will get your child grade level ready.”  You’re goal is to nudge them in the right direction toward booking a tutoring session without being pushy.  Instagram and Facebook are great places to start posting about the problems you solve.  If deciding what to post has you stuck, make a list of the most frequently asked questions you’ve received from your current and potential clients.  You can learn more about how to create social media posts that convert fans into loyal customers here.

Use social media to promote your online tutoring business

Use social media to promote your online tutoring business.

Create Instagram And Facebook Posts That Convert Followers Into Clients

You’re running a tutoring business and aren’t a graphic designer so you feel stuck in the design phase.  Luckily, Canva has tons of templates to make it easier for you.  I can’t stress this enough: solve problems for your ideal clients!  You’ll want to continually revisit the pain points of your ideal client.  Keep track of the questions they ask you and the issues they are having with their child’s learning.  This will be your main source of inspiration for posting on social media.  If you’re not sure how to post or the right design, you can use our 25 editable templates complete with lessons to teach you how to maximize each one here.  Once you start growing your like, know, and trust factor, you’ll become the go-to expert in your tutoring niche.  Don’t worry about what other people are doing and focus on growing your business.  There’s plenty of room on the playground for everyone.   

Use templates to promote your online tutoring business

Use templates to promote your online tutoring business.

Stop Trying To Reinvent The Wheel

You’re feeling stuck, staring at your phone wondering what to post on Instagram.  You see other tutors' posts and you don’t want to copy them but you’re not a graphic designer, so you don’t take action.  Stop trying to reinvent the wheel!  Focus on the problems your ideal tutoring client faces and you’ll have solutions with your unique tutoring method.  There’s only one you!  A great way to brainstorm topics that will convert your followers to clients is to keep track of the messages you get.  Use the words of your ideal customers in your posts.  For example, if a potential client DMs you and says: “My daughter is really behind in reading.  What do you suggest?”  You could make a social media post called “What to do when your child is behind in reading”.  

Get Comfortable Talking About Your Tutoring Business

The best way to get comfortable talking about your tutoring business is to DO IT!  Remember that no one is an overnight success and you’ll have to practice your sales pitch over and over until it becomes natural!  Something I teach you how to do inside of Tutorpreneur Promo Kit®.

Keep it simple and focus on the problem you solve and the solutions you provide.  Most parents are looking for the answer to come in the form of tutoring and they’re hopeful that you’ll take all the guesswork out.  Even if you’re a classroom teacher, like me, find ways to weave your tutoring business pitch into conversations.  Say you meet someone new and they ask what you do.  Tell them you’re a teacher who also owns a thriving tutoring business.  This will set you up to elaborate on your tutoring niche and potentially give out your information.  Another reason why I think you need a services page on your website!  You can instantly direct them to find you on your website so they can book a discovery call or a tutoring session with you!

Use testimonials to promote your online tutoring business

Use testimonials to promote your online tutoring business.

Use Testimonials To Do The Heavy Lifting For You

Testimonials are the bread and butter of any successful online tutoring business.  Testimonials do the heavy lifting for you by letting satisfied clients speak your praises.  I’m so big on the power of a glowing testimonial that there are several client testimonial templates inside Tutorpreneur Promo Kit® ready for you to use.  If you’d like to get your hands on the top 8 questions I ask in my own testimonials, you can read all about it in this blog post.

Testimonials are a great way for you to “brag” about your amazing services without seeming annoying.  It’s also the social proof that you need to get prospective clients to turn into paying customers.

Go live weekly to grow your online tutoring business

Go live on social media weekly to grow your online tutoring business.

Go Live Weekly To Grow Your Audience

Ok, I hear you saying “But Molly, I don’t like being on video.”  The only way to get over that is to do it.  Some of my first videos were terrible, but I didn’t let it stop me.  Starting a Facebook group that appeals to your ideal tutoring client and offering up a weekly live meeting will boost your like, know and trust factor.  I recommend starting simple with a weekly read aloud (if you’re a reading tutor) or how to solve a complex equation (if you’re a math tutor).  Just a few ideas to get your mind thinking of how easy it really is to solve your ideal client’s problems.  You can also go live on Instagram and chat about a specific topic.  If you’re a Teachers Pay Teachers seller, you could even show one of your products and how you use it in a tutoring session. Many of the tutors I’ve worked with have loved growing their tutoring business to another stream of income creating their own TPT store in my course From Zero To Cha-Ching (Creating Resources That Sell).  Resources are a great way to chat live and solve problems for your clients at the same time.

So there you have it.  A few ways to grow your online tutoring business organically while promoting your amazing tutoring services.  Stop over thinking it and just start posting.  

Curious how Tutorpreneur Promo Pack® Mini Course can help you grow your online tutoring business?  You can check out all the details here!

Grow your online tutoring business without being salesy

Grow your online tutoring business without being salesy!


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