How to Start Selling on Teachers Pay Teachers and Grow Your Business

This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through links. I will only recommend products that I have personally used!

I LOVE being an entrepreneur.  

Yes, building and growing my teacher side hustles - tutoring and selling my teaching resources online -  has had a big impact on me and my family financially…

But it didn’t just happen.

Let’s be real for a moment…Selling millions of dollars in resources on Teachers Pay Teachers doesn’t just happen - a real disappointment for teachers just getting started selling their resources.  

But hold on, before you start to think that this is “too hard” or “not for you”, making consistent sales on Teachers Pay Teachers is possible, but it takes marketing and strategy…

Both of which are things that I’ve learned and applied along the way to grow my Teachers Pay Teachers store to make DAILY sales! 

The Challenge of Selling on Teachers Pay Teachers


There just never seems to be enough of it as a teacher…

And that can make finding the time to devote to your Teachers Pay Teachers store a challenge, even if it’s something you’ve been dreaming of starting.

And I GET IT! As a busy teacher myself, it can feel daunting to carve time out of my already packed schedule to work on my TPT store, especially at the end of a LONG day of teaching. 

But it’s so worth it when I hear that “cha-ching” on my Apple watch telling me I made a sale while I’m teaching!

Which is why I’ve been very intentional about scheduling time for myself to work on my store.  Literally putting this time in my calendar has really helped me keep my word to myself and keep me accountable! 

And I’ll be honest, some days it’s not a lot of time, but I make some time for it. 

The time that I’m able to devote to selling resources on Teachers Pay Teachers is precious, which is why I make sure that during that time, I’m focusing on tasks that will really help me move the needle forward in my business.  

And since I’ve been really intentional on what I spend my time on, I’ve been selling products consistently from my Teachers Pay Teachers store - and you can, too!

How to Make Consistent Sales on Teachers Pay Teachers

Simply posting your product to your TPT store does not guarantee sales. (And definitely not consistent ones.)

It would be amazing if it worked that way…but it doesn’t.

You need to make your product “findable” across the internet, not just on Teachers Pay Teachers. And there are three ways you can easily do that…

  • Blogs

  • Utilizing Pinterest

  • Starting an email list

Leaning into these three strategies has transformed my sales from being sporadic to making multiple sales daily. 

Use Blogging to Increase Sales Over Time

One of the BEST ways to get your products noticed is to blog about them. 

If you’re not talking about your products anywhere but Teachers Pay Teachers or just listing them on your own website, the searchability thus the findability of your products is limited.  And you’ve put a lot of time into creating these resources, so you want to make sure they get seen!

By being strategic about the SEO keywords you target in your blog, you’ll make sure that your products are easy to find by your ideal customer, and I teach you exactly what you need to know about how to use SEO and keywords in my course From Zero to Cha-Ching!

AND, you can even repurpose your blog content into social media posts - it’s a WIN-WIN!

I have no doubt that, once you start blogging, you’ll see sales increase!  

I get it.  The idea of starting a blog can feel intimidating. If you’re feeling a little stuck on how to get started, I’d encourage you to check out this YouTube video. 

Use a Pinterest Strategy that Promotes Your Product

Pinterest is a completely underrated tool when it comes to making your products visible to potential customers.

Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest essentially is a search engine.

Think of the last time you were looking for a recipe for something new to try for dinner or ideas on how to refurnish your living room.  You went to Pinterest!

And, also unlike other social media platforms, what you post on Pinterest has a longer “shelf-life” than it would if you only post it to Instagram or TikTok.  When you share a post on platforms like TikTok, the amount of time that it’s circulating and thus visible is relatively short, compared to Pinterest where pins that are years old are still popular.

Start and Grow an Email List 

People buy from people and businesses they know, like, and trust.  But how do you build that sort of rapport with someone with an online business? 

Email marketing.

Yes, social media is a great way to get seen and make connections, but when it comes to your audience really getting to know, like, and trust you - nothing does that better than a personalized email.

AND…remember the social media blackout events in 2020 and 2021? 

We don’t “own” our social media following, and it can easily be taken away from a blackout event, hacker, or any sort of unfortunate event. But not with your email list.  That’s YOURS.

I have an entire video series all about starting and growing your email list.  You can start binge-watching the videos here

Learn More About Selling on Teachers Pay Teachers

No matter the goal you’ve set for your Teachers Pay Teachers store and the amount of sales you’d like to make, having support along the way would make the entire process a whole lot easier.

When I started selling my resources in my Teachers Pay Teachers store, I struggled to find the answers to my questions.

I wished there was a one-stop-shop I could go to learn how to start and grow my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  And since I couldn’t find it, I created it!

My self-paced, comprehensive course - From Zero to Cha-Ching - is everything you need to start and GROW your Teachers Pay Teacher’s store. 

Looking for Help Just Starting Your Teachers Pay Teachers Store? 

I know starting your Teachers Pay Teachers store can sound daunting…

But what if I told you that you could get the whole thing up in running in 4 days? (Yes! That’s all you need) 

In my FREE TPT store challenge, I broke down the process of starting your store into 4, easy-to-complete steps that will take your TPT store from a dream to a reality.

CLICK HERE to sign up for my free 4-Day TPT Store Challenge.


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