The Secret To Taking Your Tutoring Business To The Next Level

One of my amazing Tutorpreneur Academy® student’s, Elizabeth, sent me a voice message on Voxer with this question: 

“How do you do it all?”

She went on to say that she just went back to school (she’s a middle school teacher) and she’s tired at the end of every day.

I completely understand how she feels because I’m a first grade teacher at a Title One school and I’m 100% tired by the end of the day as well.  It’s not easy being a teacher, especially during the time we’re living in!

Maximizing your time is the ONE THING that will take your tutoring business to the next level.

Of course my answer to Elizabeth wasn’t a simple, one quick fix answer.  It is multidimensional and big results take time!  No one in the Tutorpreneur® or Teacherpreneur world is an overnight success.  It’s just not possible.  The accounts you love to follow that have 100,000+ followers and are selling Teachers Pay Teachers products by the bucket loads started small and grew over time.  

The same level of success you wish to achieve happens in those tiny moments each and every day.

Tiny moments are the times you want to watch TV or just relax, but instead you pick up a notebook, a business book or start typing that blog post.

I recently invested in myself (something I do often) and bought a few new business books and an amazing 100 Day Journal that has changed my life in just a few weeks.

Instead of looking at my phone when I wake up, I make a cup of coffee, grab my business book (I’m currently reading “No Excuses” by Brian Tracy. and journal and head to the couch where I take action.  I write out 3 mini tasks for the day that are going to move the needle forward on my 100 day goal.  This is something that takes time and most definitely something I teach in the Tutorpreneur Academy®.  

So, let's say your big goal is to get 10 new tutoring clients.  Next, we need to break that big task into mini tasks.  Your first mini task will be making a list of 10 former students’ parents that you could reach out to about tutoring.  Your next mini tasks for the day will be to email 10 former students' parents using this template to start getting your goal of 10 new tutoring clients.  Your last mini task would be to create a social media post that shares what services you provide so you post it to Facebook and Instagram.

Work on 3 mini goals each day until your big goal is finished.  This will give you a sense of accomplishment and pride that you were able to achieve a big goal while taking tiny steps each day.  You’ll be amazed at how much your self-esteem improves and confidence in growing a thriving tutoring business.

The most growth I see in a tutoring business is when a tutor finally makes the big decision to take a course or get coaching.  You won’t find many people that grow huge online businesses who didn’t have lots of help along the way.  (Including me!)

Taking your tutoring business to the next level involves a thoughtful and well carried out plan.  It won’t happen overnight, but with hard work and persistence, you’ll start seeing results when you make a plan and stick to it.  

When you start treating your "tutoring gig" like a real business owner would, you unlock the door to more income, and deeper connections with students and their families.

A tutoring business that has potential for growth understands multiple streams of income and how valuable their time is.  What would it feel like to wake up every morning to a sale made from your own online course or eBook?  Answer: amazing!  Making money while you sleep is just one part of owning a successful tutoring business.  With the right plan, you too can achieve the income goal you desire.  Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your tutoring business.  

Imagine having a repeatable tutoring structure that you use with every client, creating your own signature tutoring method and allowing you to maximize your time with each student.  This is part of the path to becoming a Tutorpreneur®!  Dream big and you’ll truly go further than you ever thought possible.  

If you haven’t started tutoring yet, but know in your heart it’s the next right step for you, grab my free 10 step guide to get started!  

Putting the right steps in place in the beginning is not only smart, but it will be lucrative when you’re ready to grow your tutoring business to 5, 6, 7+ figures.  It’s possible, and with my help, you’re one step closer to your dream!

What would it mean to be able to support more students and bring in $1000+ extra each month without feeling overwhelmed or overworked?

This goal is attainable for you!  You can have a profitable side-hustle that has plenty of room to grow.  

If you’ve already started tutoring and are looking to level up, let’s chat

So there you have it.  The secret to leveling up your tutoring business is having a plan and following through.  You’ve got this!


How To Build Your Dream Schedule For Your Tutoring Business


3 Ways To Cure The Back-To-School Blues With Your Tutoring Business