What To Do When A Prospective Tutoring Client Ghosts You

Getting ghosted by a potential tutoring client can be completely frustrating.

You know the story, someone reaches out to you, seems really interested in working with you, you write a beautiful email back, and days go by hearing nothing in return.

It can be completely frustrating and demoralizing.  (I know, I’ve been there!)

And heck, they reached out to you first and then no response.

Before you get too upset, I’m going to remind you of a few things.

Sometimes, people get busy and forget to respond.  It’s up to you, as the Tutorpreneur, to gently tap them on the shoulder and remind them that you have the solution to their problem.

Everything in my tutoring business begins with solving a client’s problem.

What do I mean by that?  I’m so glad you asked!  When we dive deep into our potential client’s problems and provide real solutions, we make it much easier for them to sign up for our services.  

That’s why in Module 1 of the Tutorpreneur Academy™, we take a deep dive into discovering who your ideal client is, their pain points and what your tutoring business does to solve their problems.

Once you truly understand who your ideal client is, you won’t be phased by getting ghosted.

Instead, you’ll have an actionable next step to ushering them into your client list.

One of my amazing Tutorpreneur Academy™️ student’s, Claire, had this happen recently and reached out to me for advice.  

She asked:

“What do I do if a parent reaches out to me for tutoring, seems really excited to work with me, and then I get no response to my email?”

Let’s get to the bottom of this and solve the problem today for you too.

First, let me say that Claire is a boss babe Tutorpreneur™️ who helps her students get grade level ready in math and science.

After working together in the Tutorpreneur Academy™️, she's had tremendous success, including:

  • Nailing down her messaging so she could attract the right ideal client

  • Creating a website that tells her ideal client exactly what services she offers and how to get in touch

  • Generating a ton of discovery calls where she finds out if the client is a good match

  • Enrolling students in her group class for the summer so she can make more money per hour in less time

Aaaaannnnd like any good Tutorpreneur, Claire is in the trenches and needed a way to follow up with clients who might need an extra push to sign up.  

I truly believe the money is in the follow-up!

So I bet this template will come in handy for you too.

"Hey, (first name)

It was awesome to talk to you (last week/last month).

The fact that you reached out to me about tutoring tells me you're an excellent parent.

It sounds like (kid's name) could use a bit of help in (subject area).  I have 2 spaces available and would love to work with (him/her).

I have a client who had a similar concern and after 1 month of working together, we had her on track for 2nd grade!

I would love to get similar results for you too.

Let me know if you have any questions.  I'm 100% here to help.

(Sign off)"

Notice how the template does a few things:

1. It assumes the person is busy versus attacking them for ignoring you

2. Shows genuine connection by sharing details you remembered about them

3. Points out something specific in your tutoring services that will help the get closer to their goals for their child

4. Uses social proof that your methods work and deliver results

Ok then, send it out and let me know how it goes!

If you’re just getting started and looking for direction to starting your own tutoring business, you’ll want to download my FREE 10 step guide!  You can grab that here.


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