Why Your Tutoring Business Needs a Blog

You might have heard that blogging was dead.  I’m here to tell you friends, blogging is alive and well.  If done correctly, you can grow your business by driving traffic to your website using your blog.  Your business isn’t going to grow in a vacuum.  Blogging is one of the best ways to organically grow your tutoring business.

Increased Visibility Means More Clients

Say you’re just starting out tutoring and not exactly sure how to market your business yet.  A blog will do a lot of the talking for you.  Pushing out weekly content that attracts your ideal customer is a great way to move your way up the SEO rankings on Google.  Writing blog posts with the ideal customer in mind, you’ve got a recipe for people finding you.  I always recommend to the tutors that I coach to have a website first.  Once they’ve secured their design, they need a blog.  This is one of many things I teach in the Tutorpreneur Academy.

Teach and Explain About Your Products and Services

Each blog post is a great opportunity to teach and explain about your products or services.  You can even have links to other blog posts you’ve written or places on your website that direct them to your services.  Maybe you’re doing a blog post on letter identification activities.  And let’s say you have a product on Teachers Pay Teachers that drove your idea for the blog post.  Link that product while you’re talking about it in a natural way.  Talking about how your product solves a problem is less salsey and if done correctly, is much more effective than saying on social media “You should buy this.”  I see teachers posting their TPT products on social media all the time and it’s not effective.  If you’re posting how you worked with a student and this is what you did to help X,Y,Z, that’s a great way to incorporate your products.

Blogging Helps Your Business Compete

As soon as you submit your first blog post, you have an online presence.  If done properly with the right keywords, eventually the traffic will pick up and people will find your blog which means they will find YOU!  Blogging helps your business compete by putting the word out there on what problems you solve and how you can help your ideal customer. If you’re not comfortable with YouTube and being on video, blogging is the perfect alternative!  I do recommend making YouTube videos if that’s something you’re comfortable with.  Start small and grow over time.

Helps You Become an Expert

They say it takes 10,000 hours of practicing a skill to become an expert.  The more you blog about your niche, the more you will become an expert.  When you’re writing a blog, you will find yourself researching and looking for topics that relate your business.  The more you learn about your niche and write about it, the more you can position yourself as an expert and grow your business!  Talk about a win-win.

Blog Posts Have a Dual Purpose

Once you’ve written your blog post for the week, you can repurpose content for social media posts.  Of course your post on Instagram won’t be as long as the blog, but taking pieces here any there is a great way to repurpose content so you aren’t reinventing the wheel every time you go to post.  Your audience won’t be considered that you are repeating yourself.  “Repetition is the mother of skill.”  So repeat on, my friend!

Starting a blog will not only help grow your business but it will position you as an expert in your niche.  If you’re looking to gain more tutoring clients, a website with a blog component is a great recipe for success.

Grab my free guidebook on the first 10 steps to start your tutoring business. 

Does your tutoring business have a blog? Tell me in the comments below.


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