3 Tips for Starting Your Online Tutoring Business
Exactly one year ago, I was sitting next to my website designer, the amazing Erica, trying to figure out exactly what words I wanted on my new website.
I wanted to help parents, tutor kids and help fellow teachers. I also knew I had NO IDEA what I was doing when it came to starting a tutoring business!
I’m a teacher so of course I know how to work with kids. The “how” wasn’t the problem.
I didn’t go to college to run a business so everything we were talking about in my website design day was new.
Fast forward to now after many failed attempts and lessons learned, and I’m running a successful tutoring business! It wasn’t always easy, but in the end, it was all worth it.
One year ago, I had no idea I’d be teaching online as well as running an online and in person tutoring business.
I get to work one-on-one with some amazing kids. Something I don’t often get to do in the classroom.
Classroom teachers have 20-28 kids they juggle daily and it’s tough to meet with each individual kid on a daily basis. Teacher stress is at an all time high right now!
Working with kids in a tutoring capacity means I get that opportunity each time! I haven’t met a teacher yet who doesn't love working with kids one-on-one.
I’ve learned a lot along the way. If I can help other teachers who are struggling with teacher burnout like I was, then I’m doing my job. Starting my tutoring business gave me control over my schedule and boosted my confidence as a teacher.
“Starting my tutoring business gave me control over my schedule and boosted my confidence as a teacher. ”
This year alone, I’ve watched kids jump 1-3 reading levels and helped them get ready for the school year ahead.
If you’re a teacher reading this and thinking about starting your own tutoring business….what are you waiting for?
Here are the top 3 things I wish I knew before I started my own online tutoring business:
If you’re struggling with getting clients, start by tutoring a child you’ve had as a student for free.
Ask their parents for a testimonial when you are done. Set expectations up front by saying how long you will work with them and prep them for writing a testimonial by letting them know what your plans are.
Something like: “Hey! I’d love to work with your kiddo. I’m starting my own tutoring business and I’d like to work with _______. Would you be interested in letting me tutor him/her for 30 minutes 1-2 times per week for a month? After we are done, I would love it if you could write a testimonial of our work together. What do you think?”
2. Set your rates based on your level of experience combined with the area you live.
I recently consulted a teacher who had moved and realized what she had been charging wasn’t working where she lives now. You have to dip your toe in the water to find out a price point that honors your unique gifts as a teacher as well as the clientele. If you’d like more advice in this area, I’d love to help!
3. Don’t put the cart before the horse!
There’s a definite process to starting a tutoring business. It can get overwhelming trying to figure it out alone. You aren’t alone! I’ve got you! CLICK HERE to get the guidebook I wish I would have had when I started!
So there you have it. A little bit of knowledge and a whole lot of persistence will help you build the tutoring business of your dreams!
What’s one thing you are going to do today to get the ball rolling? Tell me in the comments!