How to Start or Grow Your Online Tutoring Business as a Teacher

What would this year be like if you finally started the online tutoring business of your dreams?

What if I told you that it didn’t have to be all or nothing.  You don’t have to leave the classroom behind just to make more money.  You see, we live in a world where people only present us with two choices.  I truly believe you can have all the choices you desire when you become the CEO of your own life.

Starting a tutoring business will reignite your teaching flame, but it will also put money back in your pocket using skills you already have as a teacher.  You won’t have to learn any new skills or try to sell products on Instagram or Etsy (unless you want to!)

What if you could decide what you teach and how you teach it?  How would it feel to have grateful parents requesting you as a tutor? 

The answer: amazing.  Having autonomy over your teaching as a tutor is priceless. 

As classroom teachers, we more often than not, are restricted to teaching the curriculum and flexibility in what we teach is often nonexistent.  

As a first grade teacher myself, I know the struggle of dealing with a horrible principal, moving schools, behavior management swallowing up your day, and endless meetings.  It wasn’t all that long ago that I was crying in my car wondering why I’d become a teacher in the first place.  Teacher burnout seemed like a nice way of saying what I was going through.  I was sad and felt lonely in a school full of people. 

How to Handle the Overwhelm

Teaching can be a lonely place with all the obstacles placed in front of us.  It doesn’t have to be that way.  You can use your amazing teaching skills as a tutor and build a profitable side hustle that allows you to do the things you’ve always wanted to do like pay off your car or go to Italy.

Stop the scroll on Instagram.  Stop comparing yourself to all the teachers who have the perfect Pinterest classroom.  What we see on social media is only a tiny glimpse into someone’s life.  For all we know, they could be completely unhappy but you’re choosing to focus on what they have and not what you could be doing.

A quick mindset shift from focusing on what others have and are doing to focusing on building your own profitable tutoring business will help you move mountains, my friend.  What if you focused on how to start an online business and left all the naysayers behind?

How to Get Your Tutoring Business Started

Let’s talk about your niche.  Have you determined what you will tutor?  This is the most important step.  We can’t be masters of everything so it’s important to figure out what your favorite thing to teach in the classroom is and transfer that knowledge to your tutoring clients.

That’s one of the hallmarks of a tutoring business: using skills you already have from the classroom so you don’t have to learn anything new or try to sell something you aren’t passionate about.

Once you niche down, you’ve got a jumping off point.  It’s important to stay focused in your niche so that you can have a clear message on the problem you solve for potential tutoring clients.  

A parent needs help with reading, great!  Tutoring in reading so it’s a perfect fit.  Another parent wants help with chemistry...that’s not your area of expertise so you’ll have to pass.  The more direct you are with your ideal customer, the more success will start coming your way. 

Set Goals

Now that you know what you want to tutoring in, it’s important to set some goals.  Tutoring quickly infuses cash into your pocket.  That’s one of the reasons teachers love it as a side hustle.  You could literally tutor someone after reading this blog post and get paid.  In the Tutorpreneur Academy™, we talk about reaching the $1,000 mark each month.  This goal is easily attainable with just a handful of clients each week!  Use the Tutoring Income Calculator to see how quickly you can reach your goals with just a few tutoring sessions!  There’s nothing like getting your first tutoring paycheck! 

Getting Tutoring Clients

If you’re already tutoring, hang on with me.  You might be in the market for more clients.  Getting tutoring clients doesn’t have to be tricky!  If you’re a former teacher or current teacher you are in the perfect position to get clients easily.  Send an email to 10 former student’s parents letting them know you’ve started a tutoring business.  Ask them if they’d be interested in working with you.  If not interested at this time, could they please pass your information on to anyone who needs help.  This is not only a free way to get clients, but you’ll be shocked how quickly you hear back from grateful and eager parents. When parents realize they can get a chance to work with their favorite teacher again, they jump on it!

Download my guide to get started today!  I believe in you and your business!  It’s time to stop the self-limiting beliefs and start your tutoring business.  You got this!

Check out this video to see all these tips in less than 6 minutes!

What beliefs are holding you back?  Tell me in the comments.


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