Why a Tutoring Contract will 10x Your Tutoring Business

A tutoring contract is an integral part of your tutoring business.  It sets the tone for the services you provide as well as lays out expectations for yourself and your clients.  

The true definition of a contract is a written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law.

Having a contract from day one with a tutoring client eliminates the unnecessary back and forth emails when initially setting up terms.

Questions like:

“How long are sessions?”

“How much do you charge?”

“What happens if we can’t make it?”

Instead of 50 emails going back and forth between you and the client, you can simply say, “Let me send over my contract with all the details.”

Now, you might be thinking that a contract isn’t necessary if you already have a relationship with a tutoring client.  Of course there are exceptions to every rule, but I will tell you that a contract is an added layer of protection that outlines expectations on both sides of a business relationship.

I tell tutors all the time that their tutoring business only becomes a business when they start treating it like one.  In fact, I have a whole blog post dedicated to this very topic.  You can read it here. Part of that equation is having a legally binding contract between you and your tutoring clients.

If a dispute should arise between you and your client, the contract tells you what to do and how to handle it.  A tutoring contract also serves as a paper trail that mitigates any risk you are taking on by working with another party.

Contract language can get very confusing.  I, myself, decided to work with a lawyer to craft a tutoring contract template to be sure all the bases were covered.  If you’re anything like me, using a template takes the guesswork out of creating your own contract which is peace of mind for your tutoring business! 

You should never feel awkward insisting on a contract with a tutoring client.  It’s a mark of professionalism and proof that you take your business seriously.

You can grab your own editable copy of the Tutorpreneur™ contract template here.

Does your tutoring business have a contract?

If you’re looking to grow your business and design your dream tutoring business, click here to watch my FREE masterclass to learn how to create your dream business in less than 10 hours a week (even if you teach full-time like I do and enjoy having the weekends off!)

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How to Start or Grow Your Online Tutoring Business as a Teacher


How to Treat Your Tutoring Business Like a Business