Build Your Online Tutoring Business While Teaching Full-Time

Did you know you can leverage your teaching expertise into a lucrative side hustle?

Yes, you can!

You can take all those amazing skills you’ve acquired as a teacher and turn them into CASH!

Building an online teaching business while teaching is a fantastic way to use the skills that you already have to not only boost your income but to have an even greater impact on student’s academic success. 

As a teacher myself, I get it…our paychecks often don’t reflect the hard work we put in.  But finding the time to create a thriving side hustle can seem daunting with our already overwhelming schedule.

But here’s the thing - you don’t have to quit teaching to build a successful online tutoring business.  And with the right strategies (and a bit of grit) you can build a profitable tutoring business! 

Launching an Online Tutoring Business for Teachers

There are so many side hustle options out there…

Network marketing…

Selling products online…


(Just to name a few)

With all these options, starting a tutoring business can easily be overlooked.  Narrow down your tutoring niche and - BAM - you’ve got a tutoring business!

Teacher friend, you don’t need a fancy website or strong social media presence to book clients; former students are the best way to start building your client list.

And while I don’t think you have to be a teacher to start an online tutoring business, I do believe that teachers make the best tutors because it’s what we do every day and have spent years perfecting our craft.  Let’s say you hace your Master’s Degree in reading instruction, you’d be perfectly positioned to be a reading tutor. 

Not to mention you’re already an expert at classroom management, so managing an efficient and effective 30 to 60-minute tutoring session will be a breeze!

Starting Your Online Tutoring Business

I can feel that I’ve got your wheels turning, teacher friend!

I mean - what’s better than taking what you already know and can do and turning that into an extra income? It’s pretty empowering, right? 

As you’re gearing up to start your new tutoring side hustle, here are some essential tips to help you hit the ground running.

Start your Email List Early On

I cannot stress this enough…DON’T wait to start your email list.


It’s something I talk in depth about inside my course Tutorpreneur Academy® because it’s the foundation for making sales in your business.  

“But Molly, I use social media.  Surely that’s better than starting an email list…”

Actually no.  Here’s the thing. When you have an email list, you own your list and have control over it.  With social media platforms, algorithm changes and platform policies can affect your reach.  Not to mention…social media accounts can (and do) crash and you can lose everything you’ve worked so hard to build. 

Start by creating a lead magnet that entices people to join your email list so you can steadily grow your business over time. Your lead magnet should be something that relates to your tutoring niche and solves your ideal client’s problem. 

Schedule Time Blocks to Work on Your Business

When you’re a teacher, it can feel like every moment of your day is spoken for (and then some) - making it feel like you don’t have time in your schedule to devote to your business. 

I get it. 

As a teacher, I’ve found it hard to carve out time during my day to devote to my business.   BUT - I’ve come up with a strategy that changed that.

Creating time blocks to work on my business has been a game changer for me. 

To create your own time blocks, look at your weekly calendar and schedule time blocks that you will devote to only working on your tutoring business.  

Here’s a pro tip for you - when you schedule your time block, also write down the specific task you’ll be working on during that time.  For example, if you’re trying to draft blog posts for the month, schedule a two-hour window that you’ll devote to only drafting blog posts.  During that time, keep your phone on airplane mode, your internet browser closed, and only work on that ONE specific task.  

Also, it helps to create or find a space that is free of distractions.  This doesn’t mean you have to have a home office, simply finding a space free of distractions is key.

Be Willing to Ask for Help

Contrary to what you might think - even the most successful people seek out support and inspiration when they need it. 

As a new business owner, take the time to create a solid foundation so your business can grow! That means taking that course, hiring a coach, reading that book, etc…

Many new tutors that I’ve supported are afraid to spend money and invest in themselves and their future success.  But here’s the thing…

“Scared money don’t make money.”

This quote has helped me change my mindset around money and investing in my business, and it wasn’t until I started spending money to grow my business that it actually grew.

I understand that spending money on your business can feel scarey. But still being in the classroom and collecting your regular paycheck will make spending money on your business easier because you aren’t relying on your tutoring business - which is in its infancy - to support you and your family.

Support for Teachers Building Online Tutoring Business

Staring my tutoring business has been a GAME CHANGER for me…

Yes, it’s been amazing on the profits side - I’ve been able to pay off my car and go on that trip to Europe that I’ve always wanted - but it also helped me become a better teacher. Tutoring supported me to push over that dreaded five-year hurdle when many teachers burnout and reignited my flame for teaching.

If you’re looking to start your tutoring business and not sure where to begin, then my FREE 10-step guide to starting your tutoring business is just what you need!

In it, I lay out the first 10 things you need to do to set your tutoring business up for success and long-term growth!

Check-Out Tutorpreneur Academy® on Instagram

Not sure if you know this or not, but I share tons of tips and strategies for starting and running your tutoring business over on my Tutorpreneur Academy® Instagram account.

Click here to go to my Tutorpreneur Academy® Instagram account.

And while you’re there, make sure to say “Hi!” and give the account a follow!


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