How to Set Tutoring Fees: Strategies for Pricing Your Tutoring Services

You did it!

You’ve started your tutoring business!

And you’ve been posing about it on social media and you have a growing list of parents who are excited to have you work with their child.

But then it hits you...

How do I set my tutoring fees?”

Knowing what to charge for tutoring services can leave many teachers scratching their heads.

Is this too much?

Is this not enough?

Is this reasonable? 

The Challenge to with Setting Tutoring Rates

The question that I get asked the most when supporting teachers in starting their tutoring business is…

What should my tutoring rates be?”

I completely understand the dilemma…

You’re worried about charging too much and scaring off potential clients, but at the same time, you want to value your time and not sell yourself short.

I’m going to share some strategies with you in a bit that will guide you in how to set your tutoring fees, but first I need to talk about the importance of staying confident in what you decide to charge. 

When you lack confidence when talking about your tutoring rates, your potential customers will sense that and mistake your uncertainty about charging for you not really knowing what you’re doing (which can’t be further from the truth!).

Refrain from asking “Is that okay” when explaining you’re rates.  Stand confidently knowing that your services are worth it!

Set Your Tutoring Rates with Confidence

When deciding your tutoring rates, you don’t just pull a number out of thin air.

That strategy never works out that well.

What you need is a calculated approach to setting your rates. Here are the things that I consider when I’m setting my tutoring rates.

Start with the End in Mind

When setting your tutoring rates, you need to start with the end in mind.

I always tell my students inside Tutorpreneur Academy® that determining how many students you need to tutor and what your rates should starts with reverse engineering your income goals.  

When you begin with the end in mind, you have a crystal clear image of what you want your month to look like.  

For example…

Say you’re a full-time teacher like me and you’re goal is to make an extra $1,000 a month.  It’s quite easy to get there with just a handful of kids if you are charging for your services correctly.  

So, start with getting clear about your goals by asking yourself this question: “How much money do I want to make this month tutoring?

Determine your Hourly Rate

Once you know what your monthly income goal is, the next step is determining how much you need to charge to get to that point. 

This can get a little tricky because some of it depends on where you live.

I’ve worked with tutors all over the country, and tutoring rates varied depending on where the tutor lived.  Generally, if you’re a highly qualified teacher, you could charge between $1 to $2 per minute.  

But for a more exact formula, you can also use my tutoring income calculator. 

It’s totally free and it will take away all the guesswork when it comes to determining your tutoring rate. 

Charge What You’re Worth

I’ve worked with so many tutors who are undercharging for their services!

You can’t doubt whether or not you’re highly qualified to be a tutor - your degree(s) and classroom experience prove that you’re definitely more than qualified. 

So make sure you’re charging what you’re worth.

Because if you don’t and you’re not reaching your monthly income goals, you’re going to burn out quickly and stop tutoring. (And we don’t want that!)

Consider How Much Time You’re Working

Remember…your “time” is more than when you are face-to-face with your student. 

Your time also includes the amount of time you spend prepping for your sessions and driving there (if you’re going to your client’s home). 

Consider what a half-hour session is worth to you based on the time/effort you’re putting into it.  (Like I said before…you don’t want to burn out.)

Calculate Your Tutoring Rates

There’s a lot that goes into setting your tutoring rate.

What are your monthly income goals?

What should you charge to reach that goal?

How much time do invest in each session? 

It’s time to set your tutoring fees with ease! 

I created the Tutor Income Calculator.  It will take all the guesswork out of determining what you need to charge so you can focus on more i

More Tutoring Business Tips and Strategies

Looking for more tips and strategies for running a successful (and profitable) tutoring business?

Then you’re gonna want to check out and binge my Tutoring playlist over on my YouTube Channel.

CLICK HERE to check out my tutoring playlist on YouTube.


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