5 Books Every Tutorpreneur™ Needs to Read

Every successful entrepreneur I read about, reads books.  Lots of books!  Those same entrepreneurs channel their years of knowledge into writing books of their own.  

Success leaves breadcrumbs and successful entrepreneurs, teacherpreneurs, and Tutorpreneurs™ know this and channel their extra energy and time into learning from the people who forged a path for them.

Many of these books helped me overcome teacher burnout and realize that I could become a successful online entrepreneur while still in the classroom.

While in the grips of teacher burnout, I found a few business podcasts that changed my life.  You see, I was driving to school everyday with tears in my eyes dreading the day ahead of me.  I’d just changed schools and my teaching life had been flipped upside down. Listening to successful business owners share their stories not only gave me hope for my own future, but the little breadcrumbs they left helped create my own path to becoming an online business owner.

My escape from the chaos of my new school was listening to podcasts, reading books and dreaming of what my life could be like if I were a teacher business owner who created my own rules.

It was all those moments in the car, driving alone, feeling burnt out and tired that I realized I could change the direction my life was headed. I was in control and no one else was going to help me but me.

Flash forward to today and I get to help teachers start their own online tutoring business, overcome teacher burnout and gain the confidence they deserve.

Here are the books that helped change my mindset from classroom teacher to CEO of my own online teacher business:

  1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

    I highly recommend this book if you’re into manifesting and creating the life you always dreamed of.

  2. Atomic Habits by James Clear

    This book changed the way I saw ALL of my habits and gave me the scientific evidence to prove it!

  3. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

    Stephen Covey has a way of breaking things down that can’t be matched. “Start with the end in mind” not only helped me create my tutoring business but it helped me see myself as a teacherpreneur.

4. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

This book has a woo-woo feel that I was completely here for. Another great read for anyone that is into manifesting their own future instead of waiting for life to happen to them.

5. Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey

If you’re just starting out, having a financial plan for your personal life is not only vital to success, but it will help you create a successful business in the long run. If you want a plan but don’t know where to start, Dave Ramsey is your guy.

If I had to choose one to start with, I’d go with Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill because Napoleon will help get your mindset right.

In my latest YouTube video, I talk about all 5 books and how they can help grow your online tutoring business.

You can check that video out here.

Want to start your own tutoring business but don’t know where to begin? Grab my FREE 10 step guide to get started today!

What books have you read that changed your teaching or online teacher business?  Tell me in the comments.  I love sharing book ideas.


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