Teacher Side Hustle: 5 Ways for Teachers To Make More Money Without Extra Work
You don’t become a teacher for the money… As educators, we are constantly reminded that “the money” isn’t the reason why we do what we do, and to be honest, there is probably some truth to that. Whether as new college students declaring their major or those who teaching is their second career, the commonality is the drive, passion, calling - whatever you may call it - to make a difference in the lives of kids. And 100% YES! But - it’s still our means to earn money. And - since you are in education like me - you understand the disparity between the amount of work/time people with a career in education put in and the way they are compensated. Which is why many teachers turn to picking up a side hustle.
How to Balance Life and Teaching with a Tutoring Business for Better Teacher Work-Life Balance
Balancing life and teaching is every teacher's dream. Working nights and weekends just to keep up with the day-to-day tasks can be overwhelming, especially when trying to chase the perfectly curated, Pinterest-worthy classrooms that fill our social media feeds. All of which can make thinking about squeezing in time to start and run a tutoring side hustle impossible. Well my ambitious teacher friend, achieving work-life balance as a teacher AND running a profitable tutoring side hustle is possible - with the right strategies.
How to Pick the Perfect Online Course Topic
Choosing an online course topic can be intimidating. Today I am sharing some simple tips and tricks to help you narrow and choose your online course topic. By using these tips, choosing a topic based on your passion for teaching will be easy, streamlined, and original.
How Teachers Pay Teachers Helped Me Win a Trip
A few years ago my dad encouraged me to set up a bird feeder outside the window of my then kindergarten classroom. The window was ideal because it was at ground level and was easy to open. I agreed and he made a bird feeder for me with a platform that would be easy to feed the birds as well as observe them. I quickly learned my kindergartners were crazy about bird watching!
5 Ways To Avoid Teacher Burnout
As teachers, we’ve been bombarded with the term teacher burnout. With so many teachers fleeing the profession all together, it leaves those of us who are staying with a feeling of overwhelm. The last thing we want to hear an administrator say is “Practice self-care.” Self-care for teachers looks different for each individual. My goal with this blog post is to share what has worked for me.
3 Ways To Cure The Back-To-School Blues With Your Tutoring Business
Tutoring allowed me to work 1-1 with kids and feel like a real teacher again, you know the kind of teacher who is appreciated? As I head back to school in a week, I plan to continue to tutor on my own terms. For me, that looks like a smaller client list and tutoring either from home or tutoring online.
5 Books Every Tutorpreneur™ Needs to Read
Every successful entrepreneur I read about, reads books. Lots of books! Those same entrepreneurs channel their years of knowledge into writing books of their own. Many of these books helped me overcome teacher burnout and realize that I could become a successful online entrepreneur while still in the classroom. While in the grips of teacher burnout, I found a few business podcasts that changed my life. You see, I was driving to school everyday with tears in my eyes dreading the day ahead of me. I’d just changed schools and my teaching life had been flipped upside down.
13 Favorites That Got Me Through Virtual Teaching in 2020
If you were a teacher in 2020, I’m saluting you right now. Back in March when we all thought this was going to be temporary, we set off to teaching virtually from our homes. There was no virtual teacher kit sent home with us. Our tools for online teaching consisted of things we could grab from our classrooms and spending our teaching salaries buying what we lacked at home.
7 Secrets to a Successful Tutoring Business
When I first started my tutoring business, I had no idea what I was doing. Can you relate? It seemed like I could find bits and pieces of information on YouTube or blogs but nothing strung together to make sense of. I want you to come to this blog as a place of solace and find the information you need. I’ve compiled a list of 7 secrets to my own tutoring business and I’m sharing them with you!
How to Teach Guided Reading Online
There are two types of teachers…..
The teacher who is pumped to teach online AND the teacher who is not so pumped to teach online.
One isn’t better than the other.
I understand both teachers because I used to be the teacher who was scared to teach online.