7 Secrets to a Successful Tutoring Business

When I first started my tutoring business, I had no idea what I was doing.  

Can you relate?

It seemed like I could find bits and pieces of information on YouTube or blogs but nothing strung together to make sense of.

I want you to come to this blog as a place of solace and find the information you need.

So….I’ve compiled a list of 7 secrets to my own tutoring business and I’m sharing them with you!

  1. Your tutoring business should have a plan

If you’re a teacher and ever started your school day off without a plan, you know the old adage “Without a plan, your students will have a plan for you.”  The same can be said for your tutoring business.  Just telling people “I can tutor your child” isn’t a path to a successful tutoring business.  All successful businesses follow a plan; yours is no exception!  Looking for a place to start?  I’ve got you covered with my 10 Step Guidebook.  

Questions to guide you: What do you want for your business?  How are you going to serve your clients? How many clients can you take on?  What kind of schedule works for you?

2. What problem do you solve?

Right now, more than ever before, parents are desperate for 1-1 tutoring for their children.  Between kids learning virtually this year or going back and forth from in-seat learning to virtual, it’s been a challenge to say the least.  Be clear on the type of tutoring you provide. It’s best to niche down so you have clear messaging on the exact problem you solve in your tutoring business.    

3. Use teaching resources from your classroom in your tutoring sessions

Stop stressing yourself out planning for tutoring!  If you’re a classroom teacher and a tutor, chances are you are tutoring kids similar in age to your students.  If you’re a former teacher, then you likely have an arsenal of resources from teaching.  We all know teachers have a hard time getting rid of our precious materials!  If you’re making your own resources, fantastic!  This is a great way to have multiple streams of income.  I teach the value of this concept in the Tutorpreneur Academy as well as giving you many ways to diversify your tutoring business. 

4. Plan each week and month out in advance using a planner and wall calendar

Writing down each tutoring client’s session for each week and month helps you visualize what your week looks like.  It’s also crucial to have things written down so you don’t over commit or make a scheduling error.  Taking your tutoring business seriously means avoiding mistakes like this.  I like using a wall calendar for the entire year because it helps have clarity on what I need to accomplish each month.  Writing out personal dates, tutoring clients, and any other business meetings will help you stay on track and focused.  Now is a great time to start fresh with 2021 right around the corner.

5. Grow your client list with former students

This is probably the most important step to growing your tutoring business.  As a teacher or former teacher, you’ve taught hundreds if not thousands of students in your career.  Parents have that like, know and trust factor with you which is priceless.  Former students often lead to more client leads!  Word of mouth marketing between parents is the #1 way I get tutoring clients.  The best part?  It’s free!  

6. Having a mentor is everything

Whether you’re looking to tutor full-time or as a side-hustle, having someone to lean on during good times and bad will help you grow as a business owner and person.  I firmly believe you have to spend money to make money.  Some of the best money I’ve spent is on business coaches and courses.  

7. Collaboration over competition 

Instead of viewing other tutors as your competition, what if you got to know a few and collaborated?  We can’t be masters of everything and when we open our minds and hearts to collaborate with others, amazing things start happening.  Facebook is a great place to meet other tutors.  Our Tutorpreneur Tribe is a group that offers support and friendship to anyone with a tutoring business.  Join us today!

So there you have it.  7 secrets to a successful tutoring business. 

Share this blog post with a friend and tell me in the comments what your tutoring niche is!


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