
Molly Wheatley Molly Wheatley

How to Set Tutoring Fees: Strategies for Pricing Your Tutoring Services

Learn how to set tutoring fees that reflect your expertise and meet your income goals. This guide provides strategies for pricing your tutoring services, determining your hourly rate, and confidently discussing rates with potential clients. Start your tutoring business off right with these essential tips!

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Erica Martin Erica Martin

How Much Should I Charge for Tutoring?

I was staring down at my phone in awe of an email I’d received. A former parent emailed to ask if I still had a tutoring business. I’ll back up a bit….You see, a few months prior to receiving that glorious email, I had done something scary. I put myself out there BIG time. I emailed 10 former student’s parent’s letting them know I had started a tutoring business. I took the leap of faith knowing that I had what it takes to tutor students with my years of teaching experience.

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