How Much Should I Charge for Tutoring?

I was staring down at my phone in awe of an email I’d received. A former parent emailed to ask if I still had a tutoring business.

I’ll back up a bit….

You see, a few months prior to receiving that glorious email, I’d done something scary.

I put myself out there BIG time.

I emailed 10 former student’s parent’s letting them know I’d started a tutoring business.

I took the leap of faith knowing that I had what it takes to tutor students with my years of teaching experience.

The scary part was not knowing if anyone would reply.

That’s the thing though.  Sometimes we have to start before we are ready.

And I’m so glad I did because 1 client turned into 7 in just a few weeks time.

Parents are the best form of marketing there is.

Before I could actually start tutoring, I had to decide how much to charge.

You might think there’s a lot that goes into that, but really, it comes down to one question:

How much is your time worth?

Because time isn’t something you can get back.  Time is the most precious commodity there is.

There’s no special formula to figuring this out.  I started with what I make per hour teaching and added on time spent driving and preparing.  If you don’t love math, use my FREE Tutoring Income Calculator!

Your tutoring clients are getting your one-on-one attention.  Your classroom students have to share you with 25 other kids.

Are you starting to see the insane value you hold?  Good.  You should!

Don’t overthink what you charge.  If a family says “That’s too steep” then perhaps they aren’t a right fit.  Or maybe you need to go back to the negotiating table and explain all of your qualifications and the amount of time you are putting into tutoring their child.

I can tell you a parent has never said “That’s too much money” when presented with my hourly rate.  

Charge what you’re worth, baby!  If you don’t believe in yourself, then your tutoring clients won’t either.  It’s that simple.

Once you get your first tutoring client, your side hustle is going to snowball into a few clients a week.  

A few clients a week means more money!  I went from making $0 extra to $1,000 a month in just a few weeks time.  

Want to see how quickly you can reach your income goals with just a handful of clients? The Tutoring Income Calculator does all the work for you!

I want that for you.

All you need is an ounce of initiative and some persistence.  Luckily for you, I’ve done the hard work and made mistakes you don’t have to make!

Download my free 10 Step Guide to get started tutoring today! 

Already have a tutoring business and want to earn passive income? Watch my FREE masterclass all about building your dream tutoring business!

What’s the scariest thing about talking money with clients? Tell me in the comments!


Perfecting Your Pitch: 5 Steps to Getting Tutoring Clients with Ease


How to Get Money-Making Tutoring Testimonials