Perfecting Your Pitch: 5 Steps to Getting Tutoring Clients with Ease

In order to get more tutoring clients, you have to know the right things to say and when to say them.  Any successful tutoring business has a one line elevator pitch that conveys exactly what they do and how they do it.  

Many of the tutors I work with are scared to sell.  In the Tutorpreneur Academy® we talk a lot about perfecting your pitch and eliminating the mindset that you’re selling.  

I want to stress to you this point: in order to make an impact tutoring, you have to sell and to start selling your services, you need the perfect pitch.  

To craft the perfect pitch for your tutoring business we need to start with credibility.

Gaining Credibility

If you haven’t tutored someone yet, you can lead with your classroom teaching success stories.  

(If you’re not a classroom teacher but want to start a tutoring business, try tutoring someone for free first.  You’ll get great experience and can stand on your own with the results! Read my blog post on how to get a money-making tutoring testimonial.)

Credibility isn’t built in a day.  It takes time and hard work.  The more kids you tutor, blog posts you write, testimonials you receive, the more credibility you have and the more desirable your services will be.

If you think back to your first year teaching, you might remember the doubt you had or the doubts a parent expressed with you being a first-year teacher. Don’t let imposter syndrome take over but realize that you’ll need a few client testimonials to prove your credibility to potential tutoring clients.

Tapping Into Emotion

Next, you need emotion in your pitch. Finding out what your ideal client needs from you means tapping into their emotions.

Let me give you a concrete example.  A former student is behind in reading.  Let’s call the student Ronald.  The last school year has been full of difficulties.  As a teacher, you know how hard this school year has been and you also know what kind of learner Ronald is.  Before sending your email template to get new clients to Ron’s mom, run through it with a fine tooth comb.  Add in personal anecdotes of his learning style and how you will accommodate his unique needs to get them grade-level ready for the fall.  

This approach not only conveys your credibility but also let’s Ron’s mom know you are emotionally involved in every aspect of your business and not only deliver results but you care deeply.

Quantifiable Results

Quantifiable results are the next piece to this puzzle. At the end of the day, a former student’s parent loves you, you love them, but they won’t hire you based on love. (Well, some might because you rock as a teacher!) However, most people want to know quantifiable results that prove your credibility. I don’t mean make numbers up out of thin air.

 Try adding in a line like this: “I have a first grade client who only knew letter sounds when we started working together.  It’s been 3 months and she’s now reading on grade level and is ready for 2nd grade!”  

This is not bragging but rather providing proof that your tutoring methods are not only effective but provide real results!

Don’t be afraid to quantify your results. Your ideal client loves looking at numbers because success means quantifying your results achieved.


The next step to dive into is impact. You might be surprised to learn that impact ties in directly with results.  The amazing thing about teaching is the lasting impact we have on our students.  Tutoring is the perfect marriage of the benefits of teaching in a direct way.  You’re working 1-1 with kids and giving them the undivided attention they deserve in the classroom (which isn’t always possible).

Tutoring provides 1-1 support and a level of impact you can’t find anywhere else.

When we talk about impact, we want to use real, quantifiable results. Language like “Working with Molly saved me time and stress.” or “Now my child is reading 2 grade levels above his peers and has regained his confidence all thanks to Molly’s methods.”

Are you seeing the marriage of quantifiable results with impact? it’s a beautiful thing when the two come together!


Last but not least is desire.  A parent hiring a tutor wants to see a desire to not only help their child but to make a lasting change. That’s why determining your tutoring niche is one of the first lessons in Tutorpreneur Academy®. The more niched your tutoring business is, the more desirable your services will be. Parents will know exactly what you offer and will see the desire you have to help their child through your enthusiasm and what former clients have to say about working with you.

So there you have it, 5 steps to perfecting your pitch to get more tutoring clients with ease.

Want to start or grow your online tutoring business? Grab my FREE guide with the first 10 steps right now to get started!

Do you have the perfect pitch? Tell me in the comments below.


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