How to Create a CEO Mindset as a Tutorpreneur™

As a teacher coach who helps teachers start a tutoring side hustle, I frequently get asked where to begin when starting a business.

This is a great question and if you find yourself in the same spot, then you’ve come to the right place!

Starting a business begins with your mindset.

The definition of mindset is “a mental attitude or inclination.”

One of my favorite mindset quotes is by Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich.

Napoleon says “You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.”

Your first step to a CEO mindset as a tutorpreneur is shedding any feelings of imposter syndrome.  Imposter syndrome not only holds you back, but it perpetuates any negative beliefs that you can’t achieve your goals. 

I’m here to tell you that you not only can achieve your goals but you can also become the CEO of a thriving tutoring business.

The next step is to think about what you want for yourself and your business.  Writing those things down will increase the likelihood that you will become those things.

Write goals as if you’ve already accomplished them.  

Let me give you an example.

“I’m a 5-figure earning tutorpreneur™.”

See how that’s written like it’s already true?  There’s a lot of power in manifesting your dream on paper.  Your subconscious will get to work quickly and start putting the steps in place.

Setting goals that are above what you think you can achieve is great practice.  Once your subconscious gets ahold of that big, grand ole’ dream, look out universe!

Surround yourself with people who make you better.  

Have you heard the quote “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”?  This is not only true but a reflection of who you are and what you plan to become.

You obviously want more for yourself or you wouldn’t be reading this blog post.  I’m not suggesting you kick anyone to the curb, but rather to be mindful of the company you keep.  If you tell the people who care about you about your tutoring business and they aren’t supportive, then stop telling them and find people who cheer you on and support your goals.

You’re well on your way to developing a CEO mindset for your tutoring business.  A little dreaming and a whole lot of persistence is a recipe for success.  

Curious how you can reach your income goals with a tutoring business?  Check out the Tutoring Income Calculator to see how you can tutor just a handful of clients each week and reach your goals.

What CEO mindset trait is most appealing to you?  Tell me in the comments below!


3 Steps to Take Your Tutoring Business to the Next Level


How to Set Goals for Your Tutoring Business