Multiple Streams of Income for Teachers
I was sitting in my car crying after school wondering why teaching had gotten so hard.
I’d just moved schools and left behind amazing students and families.
What most teachers reading this will understand is good teachers don’t leave kids, they leave bad principals.
I had to make the decision no teacher wants to make: do I stay and continually be harassed by an ineffectual principal OR do I take a risk and transfer schools for a principal who knows what they are doing and is effective?
The exchange for a good principal was tough kids and tough behavior management.
So, I sat crying in my car because change is freakin’ hard.
What I came to know to be true in teaching is it’s rare that you have an amazing principal AND amazing, well-behaved kids. It’s either one or the other.
As teachers head back to school this fall, we have a lot on our plates. I keep seeing on social media that this year is like being a first year teacher all over again.
In addition to all the things we’re worried about, money is most likely still a number one concern for most teachers.
Being a teacher myself, I know the struggles of living paycheck to paycheck all too well. The only way we can climb the pay scale is by adding extra graduate course hours on to our already too busy schedules. It seems worth it at the time, but most likely you are accruing more student loan debt just to see your monthly paycheck go up by $100.00. (Yup, I’ve been there!)
“I truly believe that all teachers can have their own teacher side hustle.”
That’s where multiple streams of income can change your life for the better.
I truly believe that all teachers can have their own teacher side hustle. The teacherpreneur world is starting to blow up and now is the perfect time to find your niche and discover yourself again.
The girl who sat in her car crying (ME!) decided to make a change and start listening to podcasts about business.
I began to realize that as a teacher, I am uniquely positioned to start a side hustle.
Teachers are disciplined and know how to manage. Those are two traits to entrepreneurship.
You might find it interesting that most millionaires have 7 streams of income!
If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of multiple streams of income, allow me to elaborate.
Multiple streams of income is when a person receives income from a variety of ways including passive and active. Passive income would be creating a product on Teachers Pay Teachers and once it’s listed, it sits and makes money whenever someone purchases it. You aren’t actively selling it door to door. Hearing the “cha-ching” sound on your Apple watch when you’re out fo a walk with your dog, is quite possibly, the most exciting sound. Learning how to make your own resources doesn’t have to be complicated. I’ve taught countless teachers and tutors how to do it in my own mini course From Zero To Cha-Ching (Creating Resources That Sell).
Active income is your full-time teaching job. You go to work each day and collect a paycheck.
The more passive income streams you can create the better. That’s what people mean by “Make money while you sleep!”
Teachers are always looking for ways to make extra money. Many teachers I know are mowing lawns, waitressing or working at a store after they get done teaching all day.
Instead of exchanging your precious time for low wages, what if you could make an extra $1,000 per week while calling all the shots and being your own boss all while using your unique teacher gifts?
Sounds good, right?
What if I told you you only needed a few tutoring clients per week to make this extra stream of income happen?
It’s true!
You set the time/rate/subject for your own tutoring business and BAM you are suddenly running your own teacher side hustle business that’s not only profitable but ignites that flame you may have seen dwindle since you became a teacher.
Working one-on-one with kids was the spark I needed to get out of my teacher burnout hole and step back into being the teacher I always wanted to be.
Once you start your own tutoring business, other streams of income will present themselves to you.
It’s crazy how when we are open to possibilities, the universe rewards us.
When you tutor, you can create your own teaching resources and sell them online on websites like Teachers Pay Teachers!
If you’re adding the multiple streams of income up, now you’re looking at 3! (Teaching contract, tutoring business and Teachers Pay Teachers.)
When you use your teacher strengths for good, a passion inside of you comes through.
Now that I’ve taught you how to have multiple streams of income, what are you waiting for?
Let’s start that tutoring side hustle today! If you need some ideas on how to score that first client, go back and read my blog post 3 Tips for Starting Your Online Tutoring Business. I break down how to get started.
You’ll be blown away at how easy it is.
Ready to get started right now? CLICK HERE to get my free guidebook on the 10 Steps to Creating Your Online Tutoring Business.
How would your life be different if you were making an extra $1,000.00 a month?
Tell me in the comments!