Start Your Tutoring Side-Hustle and Kickstart Being Your Own Boss

Have you ever dreamed of what it would feel like to be your own boss?  Maybe you’ve been sitting in your classroom after a long day of teaching and thinking about what other options you have.  Annnnd just because you think about other options doesn’t mean you’re looking to kick your teaching career to the curb.  

What if you could do something on your own that used your unique teaching style, using skills you already have and allowed you to be your own boss while making more money than your hourly teaching pay?

Tutoring combines all of those things while giving you a sense of freedom you never thought possible!

Too often do I see posts on Instagram of coaches pushing you to leave the classroom.  Let me be crystal clear teacher friend, that is never my goal.

I, myself, am a classroom teacher.  I’m super proud to say I made it past the 5 year burnout mark.  If I’m being honest though, I’ve spent my fair share of time dreaming of another life where I could be my own boss and make my own rules.

It was never because teaching isn't a right fit for me.  It was all the things that came along with teaching that I needed a break from.  If you’ve ever been a teacher, maybe you can relate?

You don’t have to have all the answers right now.  You can still dream big and become your own boss while building a profitable tutoring business on the side.  

If you’re looking to leave the classroom, this post is for you too.  Building up your tutoring client list to the point of replacing your teaching income is a great place to start.  I would never recommend quitting teaching before you completely replace your teaching income.  In the Tutorpreneur Academy™, I teach you how to create a profitable tutoring business with multiple streams of income, which would enable you to leave teaching if that’s your path.  

Whether you’re looking to make an extra $1,000 or a month OR completely replace your teaching income, I’ve got a few actionable steps you can take today to move the needle forward on building the business of your dreams and finally kickstart becoming your own boss!

Take Action

Let’s start with taking action.  Sounds straightforward but there’s many steps that can go into taking action.  Start by making a list of all the things you want to accomplish in your tutoring business.  Get out a pad of paper and do a brain dump of any idea that comes to mind with your tutoring business.  Set the timer for 20 minutes, blast your favorite song, and write everything down.  Even if you think it’s a silly idea, right it down.  Some of our best ideas come from brainstorming and you could be selling yourself short if you have self-doubt.

Get Specific

You have to get specific with what you want.  I’m encouraging you to put together a strategy even if you’re not sure what that looks like right now.  This could mean you start small and build over time.  Starting small can look like planning your Instagram content every week and following a schedule.  One of my Tutorpreneur Academy™ students, Emily, did this and has seen steady growth with just one actionable step like creating her content a week out.

You don’t have to do #allthethings at once.  Start with something that is manageable for you and build from there.

Become Fierce with YOUR Time

Time is our most precious commodity.  In order to create a business that is successful, you need to become fierce with your time.  This means setting aside time each week where you sit down and work on your business.  Instead of fitting in times here and there and feeling scrambled, take out your planner (digital or paper) and mark off a specific amount of time that you can work on your tutoring business uninterrupted.  For example, one day of the weekend, I have a 2 hour block where I work on my blog, email, and social media content.  Ideally, you would batch this content, but that comes with time and practice.  

Create Consistent Weekly Content 

Creating consistent weekly content is the most important step I could emphasize to you.  If you’re building your email list and providing weekly content that’s valuable to your ideal customer, you’ll see steady growth.  Pick one area to focus on in your content creation and make sure you have a schedule.  It can be weekly or biweekly, but make sure it’s consistent and on time.  Your audience should know that they can expect an email from you on a certain day and time.

Find a Coach or Mentor That Will Keep You Accountable  

If you’re anything like me and bought courses in the past and they’re still sitting not completed, I get you.  The most success I’ve found is doing a course with accountability.  The number one piece of feedback I get from my Tutorpreneur Academy™ students has been: “I wouldn’t have gotten all this work done without our weekly coaching calls.”  Not every course is going to offer this as an option.  Finding a coach in your niche that will help you make a plan and stick to it will be the best money you will ever spend (and lead you down the path to creating more profit in your own business).  

Ok, I know that was a lot to cover.  Trust me, if you start with just one step today, you’ll be positioning yourself for success.  I know you’ve got a lot on your plate right now.  Strategy is everything and nothing happens without a plan.  I know you’ll find yourself running a tutoring business that you love and that you can be the boss of. Start small but dream big, my friend.

If you like a step by step plan, grab my free 10-step guide to start your tutoring business today.  I’ll walk you through the first 10 things you need to do to create your own business on your own terms.

What’s one step you can take today to move the needle forward on your business?  Tell me in the comments below.


How to Turn Your Expertise into a Successful Tutoring Business


Perfecting Your Pitch: 5 Steps to Getting Tutoring Clients with Ease