
Molly Wheatley Molly Wheatley

How To Build Your Dream Schedule For Your Tutoring Business

Building your dream tutoring schedule sounds too good to be true, am I right? I get asked this question all the time because I’m a full-time classroom teacher and Tutorpreneur®. People see what I do and they can’t understand how I juggle it all. Let me tell you, there are some systems and processes in place that have taken me years to craft. In this blog post, I’m going to give you a behind the scenes look and spill the beans on some secrets.

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Erica Martin Erica Martin

The Simple Solution to Running a Successful Tutoring Business

I was sitting at my computer staring at the 10th email that just popped up with a potential tutoring client’s parent. She had soooo many questions and I was exhausted from answering her. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good email, but there had to be a better way to answer all her questions and avoid this Marco Polo game we’d begun. And that’s when it hit me. I didn’t have a system and process in place for dealing with new tutoring client inquiries. I also didn’t have my boundaries established. Clearly. (Something I now teach in the Tutorpreneur Academy™)

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Erica Martin Erica Martin

Does Your Tutoring Business Need an LLC?

So you’ve started a tutoring business and you keep hearing the term LLC. You might be wondering what is an LLC and does your business need one? It’s a great question and you’ve come to the right place for the answers. Let me start by saying, I’m not a lawyer nor am I qualified to give you any sort of legal advice.

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Erica Martin Erica Martin

Why a Tutoring Contract will 10x Your Tutoring Business

A tutoring contract is an integral part of your tutoring business. It sets the tone for the services you provide as well as lays out expectations for yourself and your clients. Having an editable tutoring contract will not only put boundaries in place for you, but help you create a professional and profitable online tutoring business.

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