
Molly Wheatley Molly Wheatley

How To Use YouTube To Grow Your Tutoring Business

Before I started my YouTube channel, I was afraid other teachers at my school would make fun of me. You know, whisper about me in the teacher's lounge something like "Did you see Molly has a YouTube channel now? Why does she think she has anything to say?" Maybe you can relate? Have you ever worried about what could happen before you tried something new?

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Molly Wheatley Molly Wheatley

5 Strategies For A High Converting Services Page

One of the best ways to get more tutoring clients is to have a high converting services page. In this blog post, I’m going to break down what a services page is for your online tutoring business and what you need to convert potential clients into paying clients.

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Molly Wheatley Molly Wheatley

5 TpT Store Mistakes to Avoid

So, you’re going to start your Teachers Pay Teachers store?! YAY! I couldn’t be more excited for you. One of the best reasons to start your own TPT store is to make passive money using skills you already have as a teacher. There’s a few mistakes I made while creating my own TPT store and I don’t want you to make the mistakes I did! Keep on reading because I’m going to break them all down for you and what to do instead!

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Molly Wheatley Molly Wheatley

Why You Need a TpT Store

After years and years of buying resources (something I still do!) for my first grade classroom and tutoring business, I realized that I wasn’t always finding exactly what I needed. I resisted the urge to make my own resources because I wasn’t entirely sure what I was doing. I also thought it would take too much time and I didn’t have a lot of time to give to a teacher side-hustle. Over time, I started creating my own resources and once I learned how to create them the right way and how to sell them, I quickly started making extra money. If this full-time teacher and Tutorpreneur® can do it, so can YOU!

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Molly Wheatley Molly Wheatley

The Perfect Time To Start Your Tutoring Business

One of the best parts of starting a tutoring business is tutoring will never go out of demand. Parents are constantly on the lookout for a qualified teacher to tutor their child. Whether it’s for remediation or enrichment, the possibilities are endless for you as a tutoring business owner. As a classroom teacher, you have a wide range of students to choose from to get your business off the ground. You know I’m a big fan of asking former students to be your tutoring clients.

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Molly Wheatley Molly Wheatley

How I Made Over $600 In 1 Day While At Disney

In February, I went to Walt Disney World in Florida with my husband, cousin and his wife. We’ve been quite a few times together and enjoy getting to do all the fun kid stuff as adults. While at the Animal Kingdom, I had a day of sales where I made over $600 passively, not with tutoring! I’m not promising you that you’re going to make this much money, but I am going to break down how I did it and give you some strategies to take away so you can do it too!

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Molly Wheatley Molly Wheatley

How I Generated $1,500 In Sales Using Email

If you would have asked me a few years ago if I could make $1,500 in sales in one day using email marketing, I don’t know if I would have believed you. When I first started my business, I didn’t have an email list. I didn’t even know what an email list was. That all changed when I finally started treating my tutoring business like a real business and not a hobby anymore.

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Molly Wheatley Molly Wheatley

Simple Strategy To Optimizing Your Email List

Optimizing your email list is easier than you think! There’s a few things you can do to grow your list while making sure it’s full of your ideal customers. Of course you know I’m all about list building so let's dive right into what you need to do to optimize your email list to grow your online teacher and tutoring business.

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Molly Wheatley Molly Wheatley

3 Mistakes Stopping you From Growing your Email List

Your email list growth takes time, and with a few adjustments, you can grow your email list to the point where you can send a sales email at the drop of a hat and make passive sales. What would it be like to go on vacation with your family and your email list is making money for you? Keep on reading teacher friend, because I’ve got 3 mistakes you might be making growing your email list and what to do about it.

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